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What type of ballroom should I learn???
Posted by HieroglyphicChi
5/19/2017  5:43:00 AM
Hi. My wife and I are dancers and we wanted to do a few intensives in a few different styles so that we could advance our understanding of our partnership and connection. We've done a video to showcase what our style is and we are looking for pointers! We take all comments and criticisms so please spare none. Mostly we want to know what type of ballroom would aid dancers like us. I have a hip hop, modern, ballet, martial arts background and she has a house, yoga, Caribbean, martial arts background. Thanks to anybody who helps. Help us find direction!

Re: What type of ballroom should I learn???
Posted by nloftofan1
5/23/2017  8:30:00 AM
Different ballroom dances are quite different, in several ways. The music is different, and the music has a lot to do with the character of each dance style. One example: Consider the classic song "The Way You Look Tonight." Listen to the Frank Sinatra version; then listen to the Michael Buble version. Same song, but VERY different. One is a good Foxtrot; the other works well as a Rumba. Then listen to a Tango song, ... Not only is the music different, but the hold is different, depending whether it's a smooth dance or a rhythm dance (or Standard/Latin, in what Americans call International). All of these dances involve partnership and connection, but there are differences--many of them. The way you influence your partner's movement in West Coast Swing is different from the way you do it in Quickstep. To get an understanding of Ballroom, you will need to become moderately proficient in several different dance styles.

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